Linearism Defined

Linear concepts and constructs must be constrained within holistic macro concepts and constructs.

Linear processes within holistic systems can be beneficial and manageable. When they escape the confines of holistic macro systems, they are dangerous.

Western cultures are addicted to the benefits of linearism; and, ignore negative effects. Capitalists are motivated to ignore or actively hide negative externalities.

Linear concepts and constructs are, among other things: exclusive, limited, reductive, myopic and temporary. Essentially, they gather resources and do things with them. They are efficient and effective. They resist change. Change must be imposed by external force.


As a predominantly holistic thinker, I have noticed the dominance of linear ideas and systems in western cultures.

I am creative and curious about how things work. I learned to adapt and thrive in the linear systems; but, I was never comfortable in them.

Retirement and moving to a different culture, has allowed me to explore.

I looked at western culture and systems in a holistic systems way. Virtually all western ideas and systems appeared to be linear, with all the limitations and problems of linear constructs. I wondered why this might be true and how and when it all began.

Gradually, I developed the concept that I call Linearism. I think of it as an ideology that promotes the primacy of linearity.