Max Coffey (MaxKafe)
Max is an explorer, polymath, philosopher, craftsman, artist and teacher.
Growing up on a family farm, Max was a maker, fixer and problem solver. His first college art course was in 1953. The first influences, that he remembers, were artists from the Bauhaus school and Black Mountain College. As a graduate student, in the 1960s, he explored abstract expressionism, surrealism, minimalism and pop art. Integrity, simplicity, line and space are the things that seem, to him, to be most important. He sees paintings as interesting precious objects that hang on the wall.
A Philosophy of Art
Max’s definition of art is: human expression, with an actor, a medium and a percipient. Initially, the actor is the sole percipient, in a creative feedback loop. The actor begins with an idea, gathers and interacts. The process generates more ideas, gathering and interacting. When the actor exhausts the potentials they perceive, the process ends. The actor may or may not be aware of the many contexts that effect the process. Most art will not have a percipient other than the actor. This does not diminish its value.
Art is not description nor representation. The concept of art representing something else, lost its meaning as media technologies evolved. After art is conceptualized and created, it is what it is. It will endure or it will fade away.
Efficiency, or simplicity, is a foundational principle in all the arts.
Art requires conceptual integrity and craftsmanship.
Art succeeds when it has its own intrinsic value.
Art is a synthesis of physical and metaphysical.
Art is a combining of concrete and abstract.
Art is not exclusive. Every person creates.
Uncomfortable with, the linear ideologies and systems of western cultures, Max developed the concept of linearism. Linearism is an ideology that holds the primacy of linearity, sacrosanct. He realized that, to evolve in harmony and prosperity, linear concepts and constructs must be embedded in, and constrained by, holistic macro concepts and constructs.
Personal Information
MaxKafe is a pseudonym used by Max Coffey.
Max Laverne Coffey
Birth date: 24-11-1935
Birth place: Family farm, Edgar County, Illinois USA
East Donica Rural Elementary School, Coles County, Illinois 1941-1948
Kansas Illinois Elementary School 1948-1949
Kansas Illinois High School 1949-1953
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston Illinois 1953-1954
US Air Force, Enlisted Instructor, Aircraft Instrument Repair 1954-1958
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston Illinois 1958-1961 Graduated BS Education, Majors: Industrial Arts and Art
US Air Force, 1961-1967, Officer, Navigator
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston Illinois, 1967-1968, Graduated, MS Education, Major: Art
Mesa Arizona Junior High School, Art teacher, 1968-1970
Arizona Air National Guard, Officer, Navigator, 1969-1979
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1968-1984
Mesa Arizona, Westwood High School, Art Teacher 1970-1971
USAF Air Command and Staff College, 1973-1974
Mohave Community College, Art Teacher, 1974-1978
Scottdale High School, Industrial Arts Teacher, 1986-1987
Family relocated from Arizona to Oregon, Summer 1987
Retired, USAFR, Major, 1995
Relocated to Kaiserslautern Germany, 2005
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